
PIONIER videoconferencing portal

Information about reservation system

Welcome to the PIONIER videoconferencing portal. This service is purposed for booking videoconferencing infrastructure resources. It currently consists of 2 nodes, each of which consists of MCU, gatekeeper and streaming / recording server. Besides that each leading unit of PIONIER network are equiped with FullHD terminals, which allow to make videoconferences on highest technical level. Location of particular VC infrastrucure elements are depicted on the map below.

Web portal makes easy VC reservation possible for network users and allows advanced resources administration. Additionally users can obtain information about active resources, statistics and device monitoring.

If you already have an account - please login in order to access all granted functions of the service. Otherwise please create an account, but please notice, that every application will require acceptance of administrator or local administrator from your native institution. Details information will be sent by an e-mail.

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Map of PIONIER network